Philharmonie Luxembourg
AgencyNB Studio
My rolesGenerative Design Consulting Development of the design system Development of the audio-reactive technology Programming and technical implementation of the entire project Additional concepts
FormatsInteractive branding toolkit Dynamic brand assets for digital & print Web-experience Social media graphics Motion graphics
Schatoh Feldmark GmbH
AgencyLandor Associates Hamburg
My rolesDevelopment of the branding system Development of the weather simulation Web development Additional concept & design Programming and technical implementation of the entire project Consulting
FormatsPackaging Interactive design tool Web experience Social media graphics
Lexus / Toyota USA
AgencyTeam One, Los Angeles
My rolesGenerative Design Consulting Development of the design system Development of data-analysis tools Programming and technical implementation of the entire project Additional concepts
FormatsArt car print Print and motion graphics for the campaign Interactive design tool Social media graphics
Arctic Paper / Munken Paper
AgencyJUNO Hamburg
My rolesConcept & design of the design system Development of the design system Generative Typographic Design Programming and technical implementation of the entire project Consulting
FormatsInteractive design tool Magazine printed on Munken paper Web experience Social media graphics

Stadttheater Gießen
AgencyYOOL, Gießen
My rolesGenerative Design Consulting Development of the design system Development of the audio-reactive technology Programming and technical implementation of the entire project Additional concepts
FormatsInteractive branding toolkit Dynamic brand assets for digital & print Web-experience Motion graphics Interactive installation