Expanding Systems
Expanding Systems
No. 1 of 6 (2018)
DOID: 1759.20180126
Exhibited at APT Studios London, 2018.
An interactive work of abstract art that graphically represents/interprets the physical presence of visitors, the surrounding environmental noise of the exhibition space as well as the passage of time into unique and novel forms. The artwork unfolds during the passage of time, gradually developing and revealing ever-changing, new forms.
You can see the tracked person/skeleton at the bottom left portion of the videos below.
Expanding Systems ↘︎ More ideas in this series
Expanding Systems
No. 2 of 6 (2018)
DOID: 1759.20180126
Expanding Systems
No. 3 of 6 (2018)
DOID: 1759.20180126
Expanding Systems
No. 4 of 6 (2018)
DOID: 1759.20180126
Expanding Systems
No. 5 of 6 (2018)
DOID: 1759.20180126
Expanding Systems
No. 6 of 6 (2018)
DOID: 1759.20180126