Experiments in space
Experiments in space
No. 1 of 6 (2015)
DOID: 1222.20150923
Experiments in creating and animating objects with algorithms in space.
These nonsense animations are a collection of research-projects and code-explorations I executed to familiarize myself with basic and advanced techniques focusing on creating, calculating and animating pixels in the third dimension. All animations were created with code and built with Processing.
Experiments in space ↘︎ More ideas in this series
Experiments in space
No. 2 of 6 (2015)
DOID: 1222.20150923
Experiments in space
No. 3 of 6 (2015)
DOID: 1222.20150923
Experiments in space
No. 4 of 6 (2015)
DOID: 1222.20150923
Experiments in space
No. 5 of 6 (2015)
DOID: 1222.20150923
Experiments in space
No. 6 of 6 (2015)
DOID: 1222.20150923